Friday, February 8, 2013

Drones, Why We Should Care.

The article, ”Why Our Drone Warfare Campaign Is Right and Moral” by Mark McKinnonposted on The Daily Beast, lists positive outcomes from drone warfare. Drones are less costly to manufacture, which would help the United States budget money that goes into war. Another positive attribute would be less American lives lost in battle. I personally see the down fall of these military weapons. “Drone attacks subvert the rule of law—we become judge, jury, and executioner—at the push of a button,” says McKinnon. Although he argues that we as Americans in possession of such technology have the upper hand and should strike first. I see no right and morality in causing collateral damage, such as bi-standards, innocent civilians, or children around targets. With such weaponry, homeland security and genocide comes to my mind. How will the government utilize its power? Can anyone in the government justify who can be killed in a blink of an eye? How will that be used within our boarders? I predict there too would be much collateral damage within the States. If the government felt threatened by certain groups or countries would it try to eliminate them completely?

Obama administration’s policy on the use of drones against terrorists should be a highlighted as hypocritical of his other policies. He's now ongoing fight against the right to bare arms within the States, intrigues me. He doesn't want civilians to have power against criminal acts against them. He wants to hold accountable the gun shops and gun companies who's guns were affiliated within crimes and shootings. His policies contradict each other. It seems as though all power would be within the government. Civilians are loosing there rights, not only in the western countries but here in the United States as well. This article, although written in my opposite view point, is well worth reading to deliberate our own decisions and evaluate our president and government as what they are doing with all these new policies which will affect all of our lives.


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